Thermoluminescence of NaF and NaF:Tm phosphors exposed to beta particle irradiation
Thermoluminescence of NaF and NaF:Tm phosphors exposed to beta particle irradiation (C. E. Bracamonte-Estrada, R. Bernal, V. E. Álvarez-Montaño, A. I. Castro-Campoy, C. Cruz-Vázquez).
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 217 (2025) 111639. Publicado en línea el 15 de diciembre de 2024.
Editorial: Elsevier.
(App. Radiat. Isotopes, factor de impacto: 1.6). Print ISNN: 0969-8043. Online ISNN: 1872-9800.
Beta Particle excited thermoluminescence (TL) of NaF and NaF:Tm features are reported.
NaF is presented as a promising alternative to LiF for developing highly sensitive thermoluminescence dosimeters.
Tm doping affects the trap distribution in the temperature region of dosimetric interest.